What the f**k is wrong with people ?

Didn't your parents teach you anything for f**k's sake ??????

2 things : either I'm getting increasingly older or increasingly f**king irritated. Please tell me it's the latter. Read on...

Shopping used to be fun for me. Now, it's an excercise in patience and futility. Now, wherever I go, I feel like stopping to walk and yell at the top of my lungs. I won't go into details as to what physical injuries I would inflict on most of the people that cross my path in malls and stores.

The issues are as follows :

- Respect. Since when has it become socially acceptable to cut in line without ANY valuable reason ? What makes it so that YOU don't and shouldn't wait in line like everyone else ? What social status do you possess that allows you to bypass the line to the cashier ? That's right : NONE. Because there is NO social status that allows you to do that. I don't care if you are the f**king mayor of New York, my Glock won't discriminate when I pop a cap up your a$$. Get back in line and WAIT YOUR F**KING TURN.

- Politeness.
Am I just an old romantic hag or am I the only human being who actually holds doors and gave my place in public transport to older people, pregnant women or the handicapped ? And since when does it become socially acceptable to rush to get a vacant place on a bus before an old man gets there ?

- Egotism. Everyf**kingone for himself. Look, I'm all up for doing stuff that makes you feel good but when it affects negatively everyone around you, I don't agree. I'm sorry but I feel lying about your 6 year old son dying of cancer to buy a f**king Wii shows a total lack of godforsaken humanity. If it's for your 6 year old son then why the need for an extra controller, the Wii Blaster and the purchase of Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition ????? Couldn't you just stop at being the World's biggest a$$h0le ? You had to insult our intelligence as well ?


You know who you are. And I hate you. All of you that fall into these categories, you don't deserve my sympathy.


Venting feels good. It's part of the healing process.

Endure, f**kers.


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