Gears of War PC & Call Of Duty 4

Review 1 : Gears of War PC

Ok. Obviously I played the 360 version beforehand. The very first time, I wasn't too impressed with the game mechanics. This occured just after playing Rainbow Six : Vegas where I was truly impressed at how easy it was to run for cover, get behind cover and aim from behind cover so I wasn't too sure about the whole " press X to get behind cover " thing...

...but I eventually got around that and truly started enjoying what a great game GOW is. And thankfully, that translated insanely well into PC. Granted, the PC version has some slowdown issues where the game seemed to freeze for about 1 or 2 seconds but that only occured ( at least on my system ) when entering new areas, as if the game sort of " preloads " the upcoming level in advance. That works well because I suffered no slowdowns DURING a heated firefight, where you want your system to be stable and not freeze while you're getting your arse handed to you or when trying to snipe a running target, for instance.

My PC can't run at optimal resolution for this game but regardless, the graphics were pretty damn comparable to the X360 version even at 1024x768 ! Gameplay is always more of a concern than graphics for me so the game looking so good ported to PC was an added bonus.

The game itself should define a new standard for straightforward no-holds-barred first-person shooters : the cinematic feel and atmosphere was captivating, the voice acting was intelligent and incredibly well done, the motion capture is just incredible and the general pacing of the game keeps you on your toes long enough not to get comfortable.

Marcus, Dom, Baird and " the Cole Train, baby ! " made me wanna be the fifth protagonist. An awesome ride.



Review 2 : Call Of Duty 4

I started playing that game yesterday so it's still very fresh in mind...and I honestly cannot stop thinking about it. This game is everything I loved about Battlefield 2 combined with new elements I cannot push aside.

I'm also running this game at the default settings so I have no idea what resolution it is at currently. Probably 1024x768 as well. All I know is that the gameplay is so awesome, I haven't cared to notice the graphics. There aren't enough such well done tactical shooters out there for me and this game just hits the spot.

Regardless of whatever rating Medal Of Honor : Airborne got, it redefined the genre for its simple " parachute anywhere and play then and there " ( which, for the record, despite reviews saying it was damn near impossible to drop where you wanted because you'll get killed almost instantly, I've done it countless times in MOH:A and in fact enjoyed the extra attention I was getting as I was sniping germans while being shot at by squads and tanks while lying in a spot where I wouldn't get hit. Yes people, surviving in games is based on hiding from your enemy...especially if they ALL saw you parachute on that rooftop ) mechanics. No, obviously you CAN'T attempt this in COD4 but my point is, it's incredibly immersive ( AND FUN ! ) to sprint through an open field where your squad is engaged with an enemy one and flank them going through houses and corridors and drop the hammer from behind.

And again, some reviewers complained about poor NPC A.I. in your squad. Hm. I must say, only 2 games come to mind for good to excellent friendly A.I. behavior and that's THIS game and Rainbow Six : Vegas ( who's A.I. is so well done, you can actually send your squad in and they'll clear an entire room of 15 enemies themselves without your assistance ). Of course you get the occasional " GET OUT OF THE WAY !!! " situation where a squad member gets in front of you as you're zooming to pick an enemy off.

Here's what I think : players should stop being so damn fussy. If you bring it into context, REGULAR HUMAN BEINGS are also known to get in your line of sight from time to time. Why ? Because, like our computerized counterpart, we don't have eyes behind our heads. So while being prone, aiming and just moving a few inches on either side, it's possible you'll unvolontarily block the view of ANYONE standing behind you.

I'm assuming it is pretty difficult knowing your entire squad's positions while you're trying to stay behind cover to aim and snipe 3 guys unloading full automatic rifle clips at you and 2 taking positions to fire their respective RPGs at your sorry arse behind the remnants of a once gloriously strong and protective brick wall now being slowly reduced to rubble to enemy fire.

Go fight any war and try that for yourself and see if you have the nerve not to get in a team member's line of vision while REAL bodies are flying everywhere and you can actually do something no game can make you experience : smell the mixture of dirt, blood, guts and brain starting to cake on your uniform as you squatting down behind cover, soiling yourself and praying for a miracle.

All in all, that game kicked so much unbelievable @$, I feel dirty I *cough cough* " borrowed " a copy of the game and am probably going to purchase this one to play online.

Yes. It is THAT GOOD.



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