F*#%ing mondays.

I'm with Garfield : I hate mondays. Why ? Because every bad thing that happens on a monday is ALWAYS amplified.

The bus is always more packed on a monday, receiving bills sucks more, people piss you off more. The weather is always worse, it's always colder, cloudier, windier, snowier and just generally worse.

It's right after the weekend. You know, the weekend. The time of the week that you truly enjoy, see friends, your family, do activities you can't ( or won't ) do during the week, have an amazing time socializing or chilling with your boys/girls or have some one-on-one time with your boy/girl.

Then comes monday. The day that recalls you to your desk job reality like a swift kick in the gonads. The day you have to start your daily routine all over again. And start going to bed early because of work.

Yeah, I guess if mondays were cancelled, I'd hate tuesdays...but until that day arrives, I'll endlessly hate mondays.


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