Started playing F.E.A.R. Perseus Mandate. After playing Timeshift. Bad mistake.

Why ? Well, F.E.A.R. Perseus Mandate lets you slow time to gain an advantage on your enemies. Problem is, you slow down a bit too. Timeshift gives you the possiblity of slowing, stopping and even REVERSING time. Not only that but when time is slowed or stopped, you still move fluently at regular speed ( while everything else around you is either slow or stopped entirely ).

There is something REALLY satisfying in STOPPING time before you enter a room with 2 enemies talking to each other, go through the door, kill one of them, back up to the previous room, restore time and hear the remain guy go " Wait ? What ? How did THAT happen ? ".

The fun part lies on the fact that the game producers considered that time HASN'T stopped for the guys. One minute they're engaged in a conversation about being assigned to " check on a bunch of pipes deep in these godforsaken sewers " then in an instant, one of them becomes bloody and falls dead where he stood. Just plain awesome.

FEAR on the other hand, is a bit dated so only timeslow is available and the overall game, so far, is pretty bland. Even the levels are incredibly bland. You'd think they'd be able to polish it up a bit in the full year it took to create Perseus Mandate but no. At least, not so far.

I've played about 45 minutes yet and BARELY anything scary so far...which is what the game should be about.

I'm kinda disappointed, honestly.

I'm getting Gears Of War PC. Now THAT I'm looking forward to.


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