The End Of The World is at hand, people !!!

Indeed. I haven't recently heard anything more terrifying than this.

What, you ask ?

Have the poles finally melted ? No but we're slowly getting there. Is Britney pregnant again ? Dear God no but it would be scary indeed. Is the government finally going to invest money in the health care and educational system ? No, that's not terrifying, it's damn near impossible.

No, people. It's much worse : the XBOX 360 OUTSOLD the PS3 in Japan last week.

I still can't believe it. I'm in shock. I can't honestly wrap my head around that concept. The world is at war ? Fine. Eco system's going to Hell ? It was to be expected. But Microsoft, an american company selling more consoles in Japan than a Japanese one ? That's nonsense. Utter nonsense.

At this point, I'm expecting anything to happen. Unbelievable.

On a lighter note, I'm currently downloading F.E.A.R. Perseus Mandate and if the previous add-on and game is any indication, it'll be awesome.

I'm currently looking into getting Gears of War and Call Of Duty 4...if my cpu can handle it.

Oh and by the way, I'd like to take a minute and congratulate everyone who reads this blog : you officially are the most bored people in existence. With the vastness of the almighty internet today, if you choose to spend a few minutes here every now and then, either you should seriously have your head examined or you are the bestess and coolest peeps I know. Or both. Yeah. Probably both. And I thank you for that.

I wish I had some dirt or anger to let out but I don't. I'm too tired and I'm going over to my friend's house later today so I got nothing but love, w33d and the prospect of video game playing to look forward to later today so it's aaaaaaaall good.

I should post more, I know. I'll try too. See y'all soon.

P.S. : I've recently discovered, downloaded and have on my video-capable MP3 player a slew of Code Monkeys episodes. That show unbelievably rocks, it's insane. Check it now if you are half the video gaming geek I am. I'm seriously addicted. More on that later.

C YA kidz.


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