Is America finally ready to grow the f--- up ?

It's been around for as long as man's existence.

Violence. For eons, man has resorted to violence to resolve issues. Look at all the wars we've been through. Look at the war in Iraq. Look at Israel and it's perpetual quarrel with its neighbors. Look at what happened to Jesus 1974 years ago.

Nowadays, it's an acceptable media figure. You see it on CNN as we're shown a constant stream of video clips of american soldiers shooting semi-automatic weapons at Iraqis, local news with an endless daily stream of first-degree murders and car accidents, magazines about weaponry and huge billboards of movies where actors are seen in glorifying gun-wielding poses.

But all that's acceptable. All of the above are shown constantly regardless of age and public exposure. Violence-glorifying movies get a PG-13 at best. Movies with nudity get a PG-18 rating. Worldwide television newscasts of suicide bombers, crashed planes and execution-style shot middle-eastern soldiers get no rating whatsoever.

Now, people get all riled up over violence depicted in video games. Manhunt 2 is already banned in the UK and Katie Couric made an eye-rolling entry about it on her Notebook show.

Ok so let me get this straight :

VIRTUAL video game violence where the protagonist escapes from prison and inflicts bodily harm on other equally demented VIRTUAL rapists, serial killers and other various scum : BAD.

REAL innocent lives lost, violent spouses, high-school or university killings and exploded buildings in foreign countries with bodies littered all over the place and family members crying over the loss of their loved ones : GOOD.
Or at least, acceptable.

I'll start blaming video games for our kids being violent when parents get their f___ing priorities straight. Most of them bitch and moan about that game setting a bad example on their kids while they go deer hunting, range shooting and collect guns. But these past times are absolutely NOT RELATED and are fine, of course. As long as you go to church every sunday and you use your guns on other human beings ONLY to protect your family as dictated by the Second Amendment.

Shifting blame on Rockstar Games does NOT excuse parents' lack of control and interest over their children.

It's time to put your pants on people and stop shifting blame on others. Do your f___ing part as a parent and restrict your children's access to certain information. It is NOT society's job to educate and keep a watch on them FOR you. The rest of the world WON'T get involved in your kids growth or education so stop pointing fingers at everyone around you for your failure as a parent.

There is a reason your kids don't talk to you and this conduct of yours plays a big role in this.

Don't believe me ? You parents could actually LEARN something from watching the South Park movie. Yeah, I don't know what's worse : watching the South Park movie or LEARNING something new. Phew. Tough choice.

So by all means, stop blaming canada.


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