I'm not sure I understand how this whole RSS thing works. I opened a Feedburner account, got my RSS feed to go through there and finally tagged the little icon on the top right there to work. I don't understand what Feedburner can do for me aside from showing me my feed traffic with nifty graphs and such.

If anyone knows and can explain this to me in lament's terms, please comment, e-mail me or whatever, I'd appreciate it. Thank you.

My friends bought Hellgate London, a game set in 2038 London where the forces of Hell are unleashed upon Earth. Yeah, massive flashbacks of Doom here but it's in the future ( big f--king difference, I know ). Not my type of game but I could be mistaken. I'll look into that and talk to them a while.

Me, I'm going to try Timeshift soon, it appears to be a very good game. More my style : a first-person shooter with added perks like time slowing, accelerating and downright stopping. There also seems to be some puzzle solving using these skills which I think is awesome since it doesn't set back those abilities as being just mere " gadgets " but NECESSARY functions of the game.

I'll keep you posted on that game. Tried a couple Portal user maps yesterday. Meh. Ok but nothing groundbreaking.

Tomorrow, I'll be starting Halo 3 at my friend Stéphane's house. I am psyched ! Honestly.

" I need a weapon... "


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