After much tweaking...

I'm quite a bit done. I first wanna say that this altered " Black Stripe Blogger Template " by Deziner Folio rox my sox. It's just awesome. Of course, I made some changes but it's fundamentally the same. It's great.

Did I mention it was great ? I'm off for a Halloween party at a couple of friends and I hope you're off doing the same.

It's my time to shine in public transportation as I'll be costumed and looking a bit out of place. I may even be able to steal the thunder of that crazy dude that always rocks, talks to himself, scares old ladies and it's just too goddamn creepy.

Pictures may be up soon, who knows. No, I don't have a camera so they aren't gonna be my pictures. Bite me ( especially if you're a sexy female vampire).

Happy Hallow's Eve, silly maniacs !


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