Version 2-1 zombified !

Well, it's been a while, I know.

I've neglected this blog and I apologize.

But hey, good news ! It'll be happening a lot more often.

I don't get much time on my own as of lately to sit down in front of any computers and type away on my blog about what ails me, how sad or happy I am and how bad I would like to purchase a medieval torture device and use it on several people (oh hai Bliss/Hammish!).

But REJOICE ! I shall indulge more often now that I am a proud owner of a JesusPhone. Yes. You right. A HezusPhone.

Let me talk about that for a second. I'll be quick, I promise. I cannot start to describe how much overated and glorified I think the Apple brand is. I cannot count the number of heated Mac vs PC debates I've participated in where I'd make sure to signify my disdain for people who believe you absolutely need to purchase a Mac for graphics design purpose, to which I'd retort that Photoshop on Mac is the exact same sh!t as on the PC, nothing different, and potentially your crappy graphics design output is a result of your own poor design skills, not the platform you are using. Your awesome design won't be more awesome if you do it on a Mac as opposed to a PC, it'll just have been conceived on a machine the "artist" thought justified to shell out a grand more for the exact same processing power... just because "real graphics designers use Macs".

Frankly, you're a goddam fashion victim if you believe this to be true and I can smell your American Apparel clothes from here.

Regardless, the iPhone managed to captivate my attention. I researched it and found that nothing is currently comparable to this thing. No. Don't even try and talk to me about the Blackberry Storm, the HTC Diamond or anything else that has a touch screen. I work in tech support for a cellphone provider, I can assure you I KNOW about what's out there currently.

The only thing that comes closest to it is Android phones. And even that's closer to a PDA than an iPhone.

So yeah, I shelled out my hard earned cash to get one of these over-hyped devices and got a über-expensive data plan for it...

... and I haven't been disappointed. Man, I wish I could say I have been but I'd be a lying SOB if I did.

Of course, it's not foolproof, some applications will crash occasionally but hey, what phone doesn't ? Hell, I troubleshoot phones with the Windows Mobile platform on them and either they just won't load or they are horribly slow. I swore by PDAs not so long ago... until I got my hands on this machine.

So yeah, not that I can blog on the go, I should be able to update this page more often.

So, standby for more incoming transmissions. None professing my love for the iPhone, thankfully. LOL.

Talk to you sooner than later, kids. ;-)


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