Time flies...

... when stuff happens.

As you can see there is a clear lack of updating done here. Does that mean it's dead ? No. More like undead.

So what's up ?

A lot and nothing at the same time. I go about my life as everybody else : busy, working and busy working. I do try to find the time to entertain and amuse myself as much as possible, otherwise I turn into one complaining loudmouthed mofo who won't shut up. Stress and tiredness does that to me.

So anyhoo, as much grandiose as my previous post was, I'm not sure if I'll be able to find the time to do such elaborate posts. But I'll start posting new stuff here in the next few days since it has slowed down a bit at work. Thankfully.

I should also find a way to get rid of the cobwebs on my Photoshop interface and get a real nice looking blog going.

I like this interface but it's nowhere near as awesome as what I'd like it to be. That might involve a move to Wordpress, I'm not sure, I'll let y'all kids know about that in due time.

In the meantime, check back periodically, I'll post new stuff more often.

C ya soon. ; )


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