This where I get off...

An unending feud.

All those who know me personally would agree I can sometimes be blunt. Rarely, but it can happen. Now, I'm not down with the whole "it's internet, you can be whomever you wish to be" crap where you can pretend you're a hot 19 year old girl with big juggs from Missouri just looking for a "good time". In fact, it's quite the opposite : I'm not very good at pretending to be someone else online.

Heck, I prefer it this way. More real, truer and sometimes viler. But it's me. Not some cockamamie superhero, superstar or any other sort of character people seem so keen on donning online. Nonetheless, I have no problem with people who do, it's a big uncharted and, as of yet, unruled place as it is, it's normal people re-imagine themselves better. I'm fairly certain internet helped millions of teenagers cope with their immense shyness. I wish this was available to me back in my teen years. Alas, aside from snail mail, nothing of the sort truly existed.

On the flipside, I'm afraid I may have a problem with arrogance from certain individuals online. Especially if they pretend to know absolutely anything there is to know about anything they remotely appreciate or like, trying to influence people in their favor by offering facts, tidbits and opinions on things everyone know are wrong, telling them about it, offer links to show you that your information is erroneous, selectively reading through replies and still try to convince everyone they're right.

You might call it pride, I call it "being too stupid to admit you may have erred on this".

Cue in the website. Its forum section specifically. A certain individual by the name of DJ Bliss has gotten into the habit of using material from this blog to discredit me on the forum there because - I'll assume - he can't also pin me with a pile of contradictions, misinformation and just plain idiocy. Now, this is the web so I know not everyone's a friend on there and I can't honestly pretend that "no, everyone loves me on there" because, let's face it, not everyone's on there to make friends. It's ok, fair game, different people, different strokes.

So I've made it a habit not to judge someone online based on first impressions since, well, there is no body language you can read with characters typed on a keyboard. Just like a battlefield, you musn't overestimate nor underestimate anyone. Each individual holding a weapon has the possibility of inflicting tremendous amounts of damage or just use it for defensive or pacifist purposes, only it's done verbally and the effects/damages are usually calculated psychologically and emotionally.

So at first, I gave Bliss a chance. Then during the course of a few months, we were treated to general arrogance, failed arguments, biased opinions, conflicting informations and even multiple online personalities ( one of them being black ) which, like any good narcissistic person out there, he vigorously denies because, we all know, narcissists are NEVER WRONG nor admit to have faulted. Ever. These people are so convinced they hold the absolute truth about any conceivable thing, it's a wonder why they aren't all f**king presidents or prime ministers. And since most of them haven't achieved most of their impossibly unreachable goals - like becoming presidents and such - they need to spice up their lives and dazzle others with lies about how they're an inspiration to an entire nation or a public figure like, let's say, Nelson Mandela. Needless to say, you're a pretty boring person if you try to convince others you're something as implausible as, say, an astronaut, an arms dealer, a Ultimate Fighting Championship champion or something along those lines, but it's even worse when you pretend to be an inspiration to Nelson Frickin' Mandela. Yeah, that certainly does not sound one wee bit narcissistic in nature. At all.

So what's a guy to do when someone you barely know and rarely contradicts himself, is trying to prove you wrong on a forum, others are sort of starting to take that person's side and it's really starting to make you look bad ? Why, you go through his blog to try and find some incriminating out-of-context comments to slap online so as to make that person look just as worse than you. At least, that's the idea.

So Bliss claims high and proud that I am threatening him and others because I said " I don't get much time on my own as of lately to sit down in front of any computers and type away on my blog about what ails me, how sad or happy I am and how bad I would like to purchase a medieval torture device and use it on several people (oh hai Bliss/Hammish!) " in my previous post here. How he was able to determine I wanted to use such a device on other people ON THIS MESSAGE BOARD specifically can only be attributed to his immense god-like powers of deduction, I suppose.

I guess I should be happy someone reads on here but this just feels like someone rummaging through dirt to find something to eat : it's pretty damn pointless.

To make matters worse, the guy leaves a comment on my previous post plugging his own insipid excuse of a blog. Well, you can't really call it a blog since the only thing readily accessible on there is publicity involving, you guessed it, him and his awesome miracle-healing DJing skills.

Having been a DJ previously, I know they have to be adaptive, change tracks on a whim according to what is "felt" on the dancefloor, open to suggestions, energetic, passionate and most of the time emotional about how they DJ, what they play and how they play it. None of those qualities are found on this blog : it's impersonal - in a "Here's my bio, here are my mixes, here's where I'm mixing tonight and.....well, that's it" way - , devoid of any interaction on the part of those who visit, bland, emotionless and of all things, there isn't even an embedded flash radio to listen to mixes and tracks, the LEAST you could do for your fans or for those who've heard about you and want to learn more. If this guy is half as popular as he claims to be, you'd think he'd invest a little more time on his official page. Apparently not.

Another thing : Facebook.

First off, DJ Bliss is such an original name, there are about 6 DJ Bliss on Facebook at this date. One from Dubai (United Arab Emirates), one from Canberra (Australia), one from France, one from Los Angeles, and one from Mississauga, Toronto and Montreal. Yeah, you read right : 3 DJ Bliss in 2 canadian provinces alone. That being said, if you clicked on every link in that last phrase, you will notice that all of these Facebook DJ pages are public and viewable by anyone... except for our good friend DJ Bliss in Montreal. According to Facebook " DjBliss only shares certain information with everyone. If you know DjBliss, add him as a friend on Facebook. ". So, it seems Bliss is SELECTIVE about who gets to be his fan... or not. Such accessibility as a DJ. Somehow, I can't help but think that "hey, you can like me... but only if I say it's ok and add you as my friends". I'm sure blocking your DJ's Facebook page must do wonders to get you booked by out-of-town promoters. I'm sorry but word of mouth goes only so far and in today's society, if you can't have a strong internet presence to match your real life reputation, you're clearly one step behind everyone else.

The MySpace page is just as laughable btw. Bliss' general info pompously lists under Sounds Like (which we assume will list another breaks DJ or artist which shares the same type of musical inspiration ) : "Good music expertly put together". And under the category Type of Label : "major".

Wow. I swear I saw the exact same entries on SuperGreg's page. As you know, he too is "NUMBAH ONE !"


Well there you have it. Hopefully one day Bliss gets bored enough or angry enough at me to come sifting through my posts to find something incriminating, finds this and freaks the f**k out. If not, no big loss, I had a blast writing this.

As for me, your humble servant, I shall depart as this will be my last entry in this here blog.

I'm moving on to a bigger project which will also have a blog intergrated with way more flexibility than here ( sorry Blogger ). Those who need to know where I'm off to, please e-mail me.

Anyway, it was fun, kids. Our time together was brief but oh so colorful and hopefully, some of you appreciated it enough not to troll the sh!t out of this blog by taking everything here so literally, copy-pasting some parts of it and posting it in a message board somewhere, totally out of context, just because you're frustrated and can onlyresorts to elementary school antics to win arguments online.

Hasta la Vista everyone.

Version 2-1 zombified !

Well, it's been a while, I know.

I've neglected this blog and I apologize.

But hey, good news ! It'll be happening a lot more often.

I don't get much time on my own as of lately to sit down in front of any computers and type away on my blog about what ails me, how sad or happy I am and how bad I would like to purchase a medieval torture device and use it on several people (oh hai Bliss/Hammish!).

But REJOICE ! I shall indulge more often now that I am a proud owner of a JesusPhone. Yes. You right. A HezusPhone.

Let me talk about that for a second. I'll be quick, I promise. I cannot start to describe how much overated and glorified I think the Apple brand is. I cannot count the number of heated Mac vs PC debates I've participated in where I'd make sure to signify my disdain for people who believe you absolutely need to purchase a Mac for graphics design purpose, to which I'd retort that Photoshop on Mac is the exact same sh!t as on the PC, nothing different, and potentially your crappy graphics design output is a result of your own poor design skills, not the platform you are using. Your awesome design won't be more awesome if you do it on a Mac as opposed to a PC, it'll just have been conceived on a machine the "artist" thought justified to shell out a grand more for the exact same processing power... just because "real graphics designers use Macs".

Frankly, you're a goddam fashion victim if you believe this to be true and I can smell your American Apparel clothes from here.

Regardless, the iPhone managed to captivate my attention. I researched it and found that nothing is currently comparable to this thing. No. Don't even try and talk to me about the Blackberry Storm, the HTC Diamond or anything else that has a touch screen. I work in tech support for a cellphone provider, I can assure you I KNOW about what's out there currently.

The only thing that comes closest to it is Android phones. And even that's closer to a PDA than an iPhone.

So yeah, I shelled out my hard earned cash to get one of these over-hyped devices and got a über-expensive data plan for it...

... and I haven't been disappointed. Man, I wish I could say I have been but I'd be a lying SOB if I did.

Of course, it's not foolproof, some applications will crash occasionally but hey, what phone doesn't ? Hell, I troubleshoot phones with the Windows Mobile platform on them and either they just won't load or they are horribly slow. I swore by PDAs not so long ago... until I got my hands on this machine.

So yeah, not that I can blog on the go, I should be able to update this page more often.

So, standby for more incoming transmissions. None professing my love for the iPhone, thankfully. LOL.

Talk to you sooner than later, kids. ;-)
