Nostalgia...or how things have changed.

It has come to my attention that...

... well, nothing came up to my attention, really.

I'm moving, I'm tired, I'm working a lot and sometimes not at all while I'm working. Go figure.

Ifind myself posting a lot again on recently and I never had so f**king much fun there especially when you hook up with an old friend. I can finally talk with an actual INTERESTING co-worker (we are in different compagnies but damn it feels familiar in a sea of call center drones).

Yeah, Who would've thought, right ?

I've been posting on message boards ever since I got a computer. Considering I was raving extensively in the last few years, it was logical to me that I would spend my time posting on ones that were "rave" themed. I've been on so many. I started on something called Vrave. That required the use of Windows' Telnet program :

I had to key in a specific address on a university server lord knows where (Arizona or Utah or something). This was before message boards. It was awesome, it was like a real-time chat.

Then came Raveweb, where you could witness first hand how extensively deformed the mind would get on designer drugs.

Then came Technodium, a site for ravers to get info that featured forums to get in touch with other ravers, like Raveweb, but just opened the doors to flame wars and general bitching. The era of the jaded Montreal ravers was born. I posted there so often, I couldn't count. My posts were always informative, as unbiased as possible but always mature, precise and incredibly lenghty. I would just go on and on and wouldn't shut up.

I was angry at the rave scene's inability to pick up it's own poop and stand tall and proud, all the kids cared about was hearing whatever loud music was playing and was just an outlet for them to be fucked up on 14 different drugs away from their rooms, backyards and their parents.

Then came (or Ravewave not so long ago) where I started the same cycle of trying to get newer ravers to hear the voice of old school by posting long winding posts about " how the rave scene was better and that ", " how raves should be this " and so on and so forth.

Then I got hooked up with my girlfriend and forgot about message boards for a while.

Now, I'm at work. And for the first time, I have access to the internet. And I can't start to say how awesome this is. And in times of extreme boredom, I've decided to post there again. And I must say I'm having more fun now than ever.

Why ? I've dropped the whole " listen to the voice of reason " bullshit. I don't have time to educate kids about a scene I've dropped a while ago. I couldn't care less if kids are too stoned to throw raves anymore. Got back to snorting K in your basements, losers.

I'm using my jadedness for evil now, I'm edgier, meaner and probably 1000 times more fun than the self-righteous moron I was back then. Why try to instill knowledge upon people who just don't give a f**k ?

I've learned a lesson. I shouldn't use the internet for propaganda like so many others. It's an outlet for my emotions, a place where I can drop a big pile of crap and witness how people react. No, I don't diss or hate people... I play the mirror : I throw jokes back to their faces tenfolds.

And you know what, it feels great. Very liberating. We should all try to be less stubborn little bastards online and laugh a little...

... then maybe the world wouldn't look so bland and dark.


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