Alive and bitching !

Ah- HA !

And so you thought I was dead. You wish but no. I'm alive and bitching !

In fact, that big burly italian guy you sent after me did not complete his tasks as I foiled his plans before he could complete his mission. Well, what did you expect from a cheap hitman ? Not only that but he misplaced his gun when he tried to " wack " me, he told me not to move he'd be right back. And bam, you just made a few extra grands by not fullfilling your contract.

Two words about that : colossal FAIL.

Anyway, I just thought I would take this opportunity to lay waste to more unsuspecting innocent kilobytes and just write all sorts of inane crap like what you're all used to. So here goes :

- so yeah, I moved recently, it was ok, my new place rocks the crap out of yours and there's nothing you can do about it. Cry me a river, will you ? I SAID IT'S BETTER THAN YOURS. You don't wanna argue with me on that. Do you have 2 roman columns in your living room ? A bath with a seperate shower ? A skylight in your bathroom ? A big kitchen with black ceramic tile counters ? I though so. That so wants to make me buy a digital camera and post pictures all over here and put it in your face. Serves you right.

- I have a cold. And colds suck unbelievable ass. But I've always been the generous kind so I feel I should share the love by sneezing on as many people as humanly possible. Just to spread the love, you know ?

- I can't wait to buy a friggin' HD tv. F*ck. Everyone's got them. I've got a big ass tv with rabbit ears, for crying out loud. I really should get down with that whole " 21st century " vibe everyone seems to be on right now. Get with the times.

- which brings me to the absence of new gen consoles. I WILL get a Wii, then an Xbox 360, I will pay for a goddam Xbox Live subscription and I will LIKE IT. I like PC games as much as the next guy by I can't wait to play games in HD without having to bother about system requirements.

- where the f**k is summer ? Canada is awesome but it's got its seasons all screwed up. How many countries you know have 8 month winters and the remaining 4 a season called " sprinsummautumn " ?

- I will get a car soon. Absolute personal delivery. Yes, pollution this, extra costs that, gas prices this and insurance that. I'd like to see you want to take a nice relaxing walk with your beloved in a forest OUTSIDE OF TOWN without a car. My idea of a romantic getaway doesn't involve taking the smelly cramped up suburban train, bus and taxi to the middle of nowhere. There is also shopping to be done and I need a TRUNK, dammit.

That is all for now, more soon as I get angrier. LOL.


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