Time for change, might you want it or not

Current mood : hungry
Current track(s) :
Entire Murderbot - Ruff In The Bunny Fizness
Current Game(s) : - Boom Blox

Let's just pretend this is Call of Duty 4 and I just got sniped in the head. Then I slump to the ground in a messy pool of blood. Much like that game and the more-often-than-not 15 seconds before you respawn and start being sniper fodder again, I pondered what I had done wrong, what avenues I have taken that lead to my demise.

And came to the conclusion my blog is a big fuming pile of cow turd.

Once I was finally able to clean the mess and get the stink out ( I can still smell it. DANG), I have decided to make this more interesting. No, I will not lower my standards and offer a " rate those tits " plugin or a " shoot the dart in Dubya's forehead " flash games. That's what Facebook is for. No, I have decided to offer a bit more content to try and please my audience ( read : to get more hits, dammit ). Ok, I wanna please me. If you don't like it, there are many other bland boring lifeless blog pages for your perusing needs.

So yeah, my posts will be devided into several sections from now on. Get used to it >:). I promise I'll make nice looking images to seperate the sections. In the meantime, enjoy ! Oh and see that blue bubble that reads " Hi! " at the bottom of each posts ? It's the " Leave a comment " button. DON'T CLICK IT, it's highly dangerous, poisonous and radioactive ! I leave it up to you to do the right thing.

This section won't have any names. In fact, next posts won't even start with that nifty bar I just created. It'll start with the CURRENT stuff and I'll start throwing a fit right afterwards. To get some steam out, you know ? So here goes :

- Will get a car soon. Yes. After much unnecessary delay, I will finally be able to go to a f**king shopping mall, buy some stuff and NOT HAVE TO CARRY A SH!TLOAD OF BAGS HOME. Hey, f**k off : I desperately tried to be good to the environment by taking public transportation but this city's transit company can't plan for sh!t. How many times have I been late as they closed the entire subway line because of some flames in one garbage can in ONE subway station. How is a fire even possible if there is NO SMOKING ALLOWED inside the stations ? Also, try explaining to your boss that you're late because the bus that leaves once every 30 minutes AT RUSH HOUR, mind you, has decided to leave 10 minutes earlier for sh!ts and giggles and that your workplace is in the middle of an industrial neighborhood where two highways cross, a public transportation's no man's land. I have f**king tried to have patience but I've given as much as I could give.

:::::::::: MUSIC :::::::::::

Yes, that "MUSIC" thing sucks, doesn't it ? I'll get around to that shortly. I'll also revamp the section here. Now, on to beatz :

Type : Absolutely insane jungle with gangster hip-hop and reggae rhymes thrown into the blender.
For months now I have been addicted to downloading the Drum & Bass Delirium packs from the ReleaseLog website. It's a compilation of Drum & Bass available once or twice a month. Yes. Illegal music. Makes you feel like a renegade, eh you iTunes b!tches ? The latest installment contains Murderbot's latest album, " Ruff In The Bunny Fizness ". Who, you say ?

A scrawny kid from Chicago named Christopher Shively aka Chrissy Murderbot or Murderbot for short. As his album's name and picture here implies, he's not to be taken seriously. Hell, even his musical styles range from jungle to dubstep to house to grime to every-style-that'll-make-you-shake-your-booty-on-the-dancefloor. His Ruff In The Bunny Fizness inflicts severe brain damage and hightens your serotonin levels simultaneously.
I have so many other tracks to listen to on my MP3 player but I can't. Stop. Listening. To. That. Album. It's driving me crazy. The good kind of crazy, thankfully. I've always loved jungle but fill it with trashy gangster hip-hop lyrics and audio clips of reggae and with upbeat melodies and jazzy basslines and you've got the something more addictive than rocks of heroïn-laced crack. From the jolly grin inspiring style of Rub-A-Dub Soldier and insane jungle beats to the funky gangstah-sh!t extravaganza of OnlyWorld, Murderbot delivers the audible jungle equivalent of smoking some demented ganja, getting a BJ by a supermodel and playing GTA IV at the SAME TIME. Listen :

:: Murderbot - Rub-A-Dub Soldier

:: Murderbot - OnlyWorld

More stuff to come soon. :)


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